School Notices Support

School notices support

Getting started

  1. You need a MySQL database.
  2. Enter the database credentials
  3. Choose the type of access you would like your users to have. e.g., full access or limited access.

You are all set and ready to go.


You can access the settings panel automatically on first use or if you are admin, via the Notices Admin Panel. Click on the drop-down caret under the Preview button and select settings.

  1. Set admin users by selecting the admin tab. School Notices App automatically gives admin privileges to any user who has admin role. However, the system admin can give selected users admin roles within the app. Such users will be able to create, update and delete notices. They however do not privilege to read and write the database settings.
  2. Set app users. By default, any network user will have access to the non-admin side of the School Notices App. The app needs to know the designated users. These users are displayed in a users’ drop-down on both the admin panel and the non-admin panel – User Panel. The users can be added manually or can be imported from a pre-formatted excel spreadsheet. The first row is read as headings. The columns must be in this order.
    • First Name
    • Surname
    • Title i.e., Mr. Mrs. etc.
  3. Set year groups. Type in the name of the year group e.g., 7, 8, 9, etc and these must be comma separated.
  4. To edit or delete any of the settings above, you need to select the appropriate control on the right.
  5. From the settings panel, you can also reset the settings. Please note that when the reset button is clicked, the app will start automatically.

Creating notices

  • To create a notice, type in the desired information on the admin panel. Click on the next button to move to the next notice and click on add to save the notice.
  • To edit an existing notice, go to the preview mode and on the dropdown underneath the preview/design button, select edit or delete and perform the required edit or delete then click on the edit button on the main menu (Next to the ‘Add’ button).

User Panel

Non-admin users only have access to the User Panel. From here they can search and read the notices

  • Print the notices.
  • Create and save a pdf of a notice
  • Launch the presenter view.

Presenter view

The presenter view is configured for projecting the notices on a screen as a slide show.

  • Only messages that have been flagged as visualisable will be projected on the screen.
  • If selected in the user panel, the presenter view can run in auto mode otherwise it can be moved backwards and forwards using the Prev and Next button.

Please drop us an email at if you notice any bug or any suggestions.